Must-Have Hair Replacement Product Checklist

Okay, so once you feel like you’ve mastered the basics of hair system products. And as you wear hair for awhile, you’ll run into common hair system problems like dryness, tangling, and oxidation chief among them that all hair wearers face at some point. Below you’ll find some hair-saving and hair-maintaining product essentials:

Eight Products You Should Have in Your Hair System Toolbox

  • Tapes & Glues
  • Removal Solvents
  • Shampoos
  • Conditioners
  • Mirror
  • Hair Dryer
  • Towels

We figure most hair wears will already have these common (yet still important) items listed above. But if you don’t we offer them here: hair replacement products.

We wouldn’t call this a definitive, “be-all-to-end-all” list of products for every single hair-wearer on the face of the planet. Still, it’s pretty darn close. Just consider this our, “If I was stranded on an island, I’d want to have these things with me…” kind of list. Really useful products to keep your hair system looking its best for as long as possible.

But everyone is different. Some happy hair-wearers use less products. Other use way more. So it’s really up to you to experiment and figure out the perfect products scheme for your noggin.